How Much Should You Be Exercising? This month’s newsletter topic came to us because we realize that the above question is one that many people ask. You have heard us say a million times that you need to do your cardio in addition to weight training, but do you really know the whys behind what…
March/April 2007
Nourish yourself and feel great ALL DAY LONG! Isn’t it interesting how things come and go in waves? Call them trends or fads, but with our clients, if a question arises with one, you can bet that the same question quickly becomes of interest to many others. This month, the hot topic seems to be…
January/February 2007
New Years Resolutions Revisited. Ah yes, it is that time again. Happy New Year! Time for a fresh start and time to make those New Years Resolutions! Woo-hoo! Yippee! Yay! Sounds good right? Or does it? Why is it that some of us are very excited about setting goals and others dread the process? Some…
November/December 2006
Happy Two Year Anniversary Body Basics!!! This November marks two years since Body Basics Health & Fitness opened its studio doors! These past two years have been educational, inspiring, uplifting and nothing less than F-U-N! We are sending out a big THANK YOU to all of our clients – the ones who truly have made…
September/October 2006
Get Your Kicks in 2006 The BodyBasics New Year’s Resolution Get Your Kicks series continues with more information about making healthy changes in your life. The previous four newsletters have been informative about #1 – Jump-starting your day with a good breakfast, #2 Reducing your stress with laughter, #3 Getting adequate sleep, #4 Staying properly hydrated. In this…
July/August 2006
Get Your Kicks in 2006 The New Year’s resolution Get Your Kicks series continues with another article about making healthy changes in your life. The previous three newsletters have been informative about #1 – Jump-starting your day with a good breakfast, #2 Reducing your stress with laughter and #3 Getting adequate sleep. This month’s kick is about…
May/June 2006
Get Your Kicks in 2006 The New Year’s resolution Get Your Kicks series continues with another article about making healthy changes in your life. In the previous two newsletters the articles have been informative about #1 – Jump-starting your day with a good breakfast and #2 Reducing your stress with laughter. This month’s kick is…
March/April 2006
Get your kicks in 2006 Your Body Basics Crew jump-started the year on a good note and we hope you did too! If you made a New Year’s resolution, we hope you are sticking to it to fulfill whatever goal and objective you had in mind for this year. In the Jan/Feb issue, we kicked…
January/February 2006
Happy 2006! Happy New Year to everyone! Yes, it’s that time again the beginning of a new year – a perfect time to wipe the slate clean and start a-new. As we are in the health and fitness industry, we are very familiar with the significance of the first day of January and we are…
November/December 2005
Another Team Member! Katy Freeman Your Body Basics Lifestyle Coaches welcome another member to our team! Katy Freeman joins Body Basics as a nutrition expert having received her BS in Nutrition from the University of Arizona. We are very excited to have her on board with us as we are now able to provide another…
September/October 2005
Welcome to the Crew! Gordon Chappell There is a new face around the studio and it belongs to Gordon Chapell. Gordon started working at BodyBasics as a Lifestyle Coach August 1. He brings 29 years of Air Force experience doing everything from jumping out of planes as a Para Rescuer for the first 11 years…
July/August 2005
Quarter Transformers Update The Quarter Transformer challenge begins with a before picture, initial weigh in, circumference measurements, body fat measurements, and a goal-setting session. Nutritional guidance and extra training opportunities are additional perks to the challenge. At the end of each month our chosen participants will be re-measured to track his or her progress. These…
May/June 2005
Welcome to the Crew Jason Litten! Jason Litten is the newest team member to Body Basics! If you are wondering about his last name being Litten yes, Jason is Chris’s brother. One look at Jason and you’ll see the resemblance. Jason has been in the health and fitness industry for many years and brings a…
March/April 2005
Meet Our First Quarter Transformer Mark Dempsey BodyBasics is offering another opportunity to all of you: The Quarter Transformer Challenge. You may have noticed our first chosen client, Mark Dempsey, whose picture is posted on the wall as you first walk into the studio. The challenge begins with a before picture, initial weigh in, circumference…
January/February 2005
We Appreciate You BBQ! The Client Appreciation Bar-B-Que was a success! About 25 of you showed up to eat, have pleasant conversation and jump in the big inflatable castle! This event was to thank all of our clients for being so patient with us and to show our appreciation of your loyalty. Stepping Out: Your…
November/December 2004
Welcome Aboard! His time has arrived! After three plus years of hard work, Chris Litten’s dream has finally become a reality. He is now the proud owner of BodyBasics Health & Fitness, a cozy, private training studio. The BodyBasics name may be familiar to a lot of you since Chris has been using it for…