Gluten-free, kid-friendly and with a quinoa and turkey base….this recipe is alluring on so many levels! From a dish that is traditional and well known evolves a new dinner treat with a fun spin. In this recipe, you’ll enjoy the addition of a protein-rich and flavorful binder that isn’t egg-based: quinoa. I rate it above the lean ground turkey that is also included in this dish because it is a complete protein (full of amino acids!) a fantastic wheat-free alternative, and full of fiber.
After cooking your quinoa, a simple food-processing of your standard flavorful veggies (I like to food-process these bad boys so my little ones won’t notice them!) will complement your grain, along with some dried herbs, Worcestershire sauce, apple cider vinegar and lean ground turkey. A great texture is beginning to form!
Then, comes the really savory and flavorful part.
Bacon and raisins. (Sing with me: “Bacon, bacon, you’re my best friend….”)
I prefer to use no-nitrate, uncured bacon. I love the flavor and knowing that I’m not consuming extra additives.
The bacon and raisins are placed in the same food-processor to create a wonderful mix ties the meat, quinoa and veggies together.
After you have mixed it all together, it’s time to load these bad boys into a muffin pan, top it with a piece of parchment paper, and place a cookie sheet, inverted, on top. Once you do this, the next part isn’t tricky, but just in case you get confused, take a gander at the animated image below.
As you can see, my hubby is mastering my “flip and lift” trick that gets these bad boys to be shaped so nicely. By holding together the muffin pan and parchment lined cookie sheet, we are able to sucessfully flip the muffin pan over, lift, and see the cute result of mini meatloaves!
What’s left? Simply load that oven and bake. Don’t forget to shlop on some tangy and sweet meatloaf sauce on top. It is a wonderful additive and makes for a delightful glaze.(I like to call it the pretty pink bow that ties the dish together). Pink bows are always helpful when making attempts to get picky eaters of your tribe to take a bite. (Read more about my strategy in my post on approaches to feeding the picky eater.)
There, you’re done! Check out the recipe below and follow the step. You’ll end up with an amazing family dinner that is:
Salty and sweet
& Calcium + Fiber + Protein-Loaded
I hope you enjoy and DO let me see you mini-meatloaves in action on Instagram, by tagging your photo, #naturbaker! Cheers!
ps- This recipe pairs beautifully with a salad or roasted green veggie! I suggest my Roasted Asparagus and Blackberry Salad. Yummy!
Love this recipe? Enjoy more of Darcie’s kitchen adventures at www.naturbaker.com