Get Ahead of Your Health Seminar Series
Our last seminar will be September 29th, come join us.
BodyBasics and MDVIP doctor, Dr. Thomas Griffin, will join together to put on the fourth and final in a four part progressive lecture series, Feeling Good For Life. This interactive series is partly based on Dr. Griffin’s book “The Physician’s Blueprint for Feeling Good for Life”. Join us next time as we will be discussing healthy eating.
This final discussion will be held at the El Conquistador Golf and Tennis Club on La Canada in the Sunset Banquet Room from 5:30pm-7pm.
RSVP by calling Dr. Griffin at 520-544-7644 or
BodyBasics at 520-498-0359
3rd Annual Tools for Teachers Supply Drive
We are excited about helping our BodyBasics teachers again this year with our Tools for Teachers Supply Drive. For the month of September we will be collecting much needed tools for our teachers to use in their classrooms. Specific items in need are:
Copy Paper, Clorox Wipes, Lined Paper, Glue Sticks, Tissues, Gift Cards to Wal-Mart and Michaels for projects during the year.
Welcome Lance Thiele
Lance joins the BodyBasics team after spending over 18 years in the health and wellness arena. After graduating from Central Michigan University with a B.S. in Sports Medicine and a minor in Exercise Science, Lance went on to Southeastern Louisiana University where he earned his M.S. in Kinesiology. Furthering his education, Lance completed his certification in Orthotics.
Lance spent several years as an athletic trainer at the university level and also at Gary Grey Physical Therapy. For the past 9 years, he has been working as a certified orthotist in the mid-west and Tucson areas. This past July he earned his personal training certification through the National Academy of Sports Medicine. He is very excited about continuing on in the health and wellness arena as a personal trainer.
Article – Change, A Little Bit Goes a Long Way
Happy September to all of you! We are officially closer to 2017 than further from it. That’s exciting for some and daunting for others I’m sure. With that held in mind, I thought I’d write about my favorite subject, change. Whether we want it or don’t want it, change is something all of us can count on. It can be something as biological as our age to something more impactful and unexpected like a diagnosis. Change will be our constant companion no matter what our station in life.
So what makes change easy for some and less so for others? In short, I have no idea! The list of potential influencers is nearly endless. That said, I do believe we can learn from one very simply concept. When it comes to successful change, go slow. Now right away I know some of you are thinking, “What does going slow have to do with dealing with an unexpected diagnosis?” Directly, it has absolutely nothing to do with something like that. However, the indirect influence of establishing a habit of taking change of any kind slowly consistently and over time is great. Understand that most people who fall short when attempting change do so because they take on way too much at one time and simply don’t know how to handle the fullness of it. By taking a slower but very consistent path we can literally wire our brains to have the ability to take on any kind of change in our lives with the confidence to know that we can.
Imagine what would happen if we gave up on our children after they fail to walk across the room to you on their first attempt. That would be ludicrous right?! What we do instead is encourage, support and see them through to the end goal slowly and gradually, literally one step at a time. I propose that we implement that same mentality with ourselves. If we approach change slowly and methodically in little things like flossing every day (one of my goals set over the years) or getting some form of daily exercise and shrinking the parameters for doing so until they are small enough that we know with absolute certainty we can be successful, we will be grooving the ability to change. It bears mentioning again the last part too. If a goal is too big or daunting at first, shrink it until you know with absolute certainty you can be successful. Doing so might look something like this:
- Goal: Walk 30 minutes every day!
- Walk every day!
- Walk every other day!
- Walk every day!
I know it may seem silly to keep whittling away at a goal until it is shrunk so much but it’s not! If you start backwards and work upwards you are finding success all along the way and reinforcing your confidence and ability to seek change and achieve it.
Last, have fun will you? So many of us get stuck in go mode, including myself, and forget to appreciate our experiences along the way. Being in San Diego last week gave me a chance to recapture the fun of fitness so this last point is fresh in my mind. Here’s one other simple thought toward change. If you notice that you’re starting to get tunnel vision and losing sight of the aspects of your life that are most important to you for the sake of changing something, slow down and simplify.
So in parting for today I would like to restate that change will always be with us whether we want it or not. We can train ourselves through consistent practice to successfully change in areas of our lives that we want to and to be better equipped to deal with unexpected changes in other areas of our lives that we may not be seeking. Keep your path to change simple and success oriented with the easy part first followed by a tiered approach toward further challenge after. Last, have fun while keeping a perspective on what’s important in your life as you seek change.
Client Spotlight – Amy Maharry 
It was January of 2013 that Amy first started coming to BodyBasics after an online search for personal training gyms pulled up a familiar name, Chris Litten, as the owner of just the kind of facility she was looking for in BodyBasics. Amy’s search had been prompted by a desire to find a trainer to hold her accountable to her then weight loss goal. Due to a tough foot surgery Amy had gained 50 pounds but also lost motivation to do something about it. She felt that a trainer was a key to her getting back into shape.
Fast forward 3+ years and Amy has come super far! With the support of great trainers in her corner here at BodyBasics (with one notable being Amber!) Amy has realized massive improvements toward her original goal and added additional improvements in energy, mobility and balance, body control, and certainly strength.
In August of this year, Amy put all of her newfound abilities together to complete something her feet, heart, or body could not 3 years ago. She did a nearly 10 mile hike down into the Grand Canyon to visit the Havasupai Falls and then hiked the nearly 10 back up!
Amy continues to come regularly to train at BodyBasics 2 times each week and presently has her sights set on completing a long time goal of 150lbs. on the bench press, her favorite exercise.
In her words: I have been training at BB for over 3 years now. In that time my balance has greatly improved as well as my mobility. I have also become much stronger and can do “poses” that I haven’t even directly done or worked on at BB which is one of the coolest parts – realizing all the great things I can do now because of other exercises I’ve learned and practiced at BB.
Welcome New and Returning Clients
The greatest compliment we can receive is a referral from one of our clients or allied health network!
Lari Cote returning client. Welcome Back!
Lisa Darling referred by Leanna Magelli
Kerry Culver referred by our website and driving by our location
Jill Owen referred by Dr. Jonathan Tait
Cathy and Dean Eggebraten referred by Dr. Griffin
Mimi Trangsrud referred by Friends: Teena Sandstrom, Sara Jane Lorenzen, Marjorie Wack
Larry and Mary Lou Fournier referred by Dr. Griffin
Kelly Frost referred by website and Kim Blanchard at Ideal Physical Therapy
Amanda Hill referred by website and walk in
Lauren Kirett referred by Kathy Ram
Diane Lowery referred by Virginia Piper
“Shout Outs”
Shout outs are about us voicing victories we witness you all having at BodyBasics. We’ll keep it to our top 5 each month.
Chris Bieniarz – for stepping up his independent exercise sessions on the treadmill!
Burke Krueger – for putting on so much muscle that his massage therapist recently asked him if he was working out regularly!
Mary Holloway – for putting her walker aside for the first time in months to do some independent walking without it!
Amy Maharry – for recently hiking nearly 10 miles each way to visit the Havasupai Falls and feeling great doing so, minus a couple of black nails as souvenirs!
Lucia Towe – for eclipsing greater than 220 Watts on the Concept 2 Rower recently during a group workout!
Recipe – Yellow Tomato Chipotle Salsa
I am always looking for new types of salsa to try. This salsa recipe was part of a recipe for lobster tacos and I loved it so much I wanted to share with you all. This is perfect on tacos, nachos, or just with chips.
2 limes juice
1 Tablespoon chopped chipotle in adobo sauce
2 teaspoons honey
1/4 cup extra virgin olive oil
3 yellow tomatoes diced (I used yellow cherry tomatoes halved)
1/2 small red onion diced
1/4 cup fresh cilantro chopped
Salt and freshly ground black pepper to taste.
Combine all ingredients in a bowl and mix well. Let sit one hour to allow flavors to mix.
Video – Self Soft Tissue for Hands and Forearms
Team BodyBasics
Chris, Kris, Myrya, Michele, Kristian, Lance