Article – Some Thoughts From Above

This time of year, it’s very common place for us to be in a state of reflection about the year that’s just come to an end and the one that we’re now in. For many of us, present company included, we invest time in the first part of the year to write out goals and set our sights on intentions for the days and weeks to come. Today as I climbed with my son at a climbing gym called Rocks and Ropes, I got to thinking about how much my reaching for the next hold related to goal setting. As we continued on, my thoughts about this formed even more, so much so that I decided I’d deliver them to you today. Specifically, I’d like to share three things I’ve experienced over the last several months while climbing with my son that I believe we can all benefit from hearing as we strive to bring our goals to life this year.
Climbing is hard. When I first started going to the gym with my son, I was so intimidated. First off, I’m not the biggest fan of heights. That doesn’t mix well with climbing where the objective is to literally get to the highest point on the wall. Yet, I kept going and eventually my aversion to heights began to fade as my focus on mastering the next hold and achieving new heights began to override my fears. Goals we set can also be hard. Mind you, the act of setting a goal is easy. That’s just a matter of stating an intention. However, just like my choice to keep going to the gym with my son despite a fear of heights was hard, so too can be the daily grind of adopting behaviors that ultimately lead to accomplishing your goal.
When something is hard and we narrow the focus to the simplest of options, two remain. The first is to give up and the second is to keep trying. This could not be made any clearer than when I’m climbing with my son. There are literally two directions, up and down. One comes with the understanding that pain may be involved, fears may show themselves and need to be overcome, and success is not guaranteed. The other is so much easier and it just requires two words, “I’m done.” So many times in life, I’ve heard my own self say, “I’m done” to various goals in my life. Although saying them is easy, the feeling of not succeeding is not. In fact, it’s one of the feelings I absolutely dread! As we set out to achieve in the coming year, let’s do everything we can to NOT utter the words, “I’m done”. Instead, let’s embrace the pain, the fear and the uncertainty. I promise, just like reaching for the next hold on the wall, success will come.
The biggest reason I started climbing with my son was to share one on one time with him. I really had no desire to climb. I was in it for the ride together to the gym and back and the time seeing him in his element. The occasional conversation while we climbed together was the cherry on top. But something else happened as we continued to enjoy our once weekly activity together. I became inspired by his seemingly effortless ascents of routes WAY above my ability level. Through his example and clear joy of climbing, he caused me to start believing more in my own ability to get better and, although I’m still in it for our time together, I’m also now in it for the climbing! As you step forward into the New Year with all of your intentions about you, don’t go it alone. Find someone, like I have in my son, who can be a source of inspiration, motivation and accountability to you. Find someone who has “been there, done that” when it comes to your goals, someone who can be there for you when the challenges come. Find someone who supports you unconditionally, someone who wants nothing more than to see you succeed!
My time climbing with my son continues to be time I look forward to so much. He’s taught me much through his example and occasional coaching. Mostly though, he’s reinforced to me how much getting up and down each route on the wall relates to life. Remember, we ultimately have two choices when it comes to our stated goals. The first is to endure the pain, fears and uncertainty as we push forward. The second is to say, “I’m done”. I pray that you find your way up the wall this year.
Client Spotlight – Vivian Kaplan
1. What was the reason you decided to go to a trainer?
I have been fortunate to use a trainer for many years. I believe a trainer is the best way to be sure one is doing an exercise properly and getting the results one wants.
2. Did you consider or participate in any other form of treatment for your reason before seeking a trainer? Examples: physical therapist, acupuncturist, medication
No. I have had Physical Therapy but not for reasons that would have me seek a trainer.
3. How did you hear about BodyBasics?
I was using a trainer who said he was not qualified to give me the results I was expecting so he took me to Body Basics and introduced me to Chris. Chris then took me to a physical therapist who evaluted me and gave Chris thumbs up as to what I could do and what I should not do.
4. Did you evaluate other gyms or trainers before deciding on coming to Us? If yes, what were other places missing that BodyBasics was able to provide?
No I did not evaluate other gyms. I feel very secure and very happy that eight years ago a wise trainer introduced me to Body Basics.
5. Ultimately, why did you choose BodyBasics over other options?
I did not consider other options. Once I met Chris, once I evaluated the staff, the equipment, the cleanliness I knew I was in the right place.
6. What goals did you have when you started at BodyBasics?
Goals do change. At the beginning I wanted to be stronger, more limber, better balance and I did achieve that
7. How long have you been training at BodyBasics and what specifically have you achieved over that interval?
I have achieved so much since training at Body Basics. I have trained three times week for 5 and half months. I then go back to the Midwest and can’t wait to come back to Tucson to train again. This has been for eight years. Fortunately Chris gives me a printout of my exercises and I do the best I can
8. What current goals are you pursuing with your trainers at BodyBasics?
My goals today are different than when I first began, I have added years. I am proud to say that with Chris’s knowledge and my perseverance my goals for energy. getting stronger and having the confidence that I can will be attained.
Welcome New and Returning Clients
- Ann Mills ~ referred by fellow client Judie Raffety!
- Janis Duwe ~ referred by Dr. Martinez at TMC One!
- Julz Raffa ~ walk in!
- Linda Ryan ~ Welcome Back!
- Jacqueline Jablonski ~ referred by fellow clients Ed and Lorri Gaffney!
- Mike Benedict ~ Seth Peterson at The Motive Physical Therapy Specialists!
- Ed and Lorri Gaffney ~ Welcome Back!
- Maggie McCloud ~ referred by fellow client Kathy Spude!
- Frank Mascia ~ referred by fellow client Barbro Huth!
- Tim Lew ~ referred by Dr. Martinez at TMC One!
- Catherine Light ~ referred by Dr. Martinez at TMC One!
- Jennifer Rubin ~ referred by Bonnie Golden!
“Shout Outs”
Shout outs are about us voicing victories we witness you all having at BodyBasics. We’ll keep it to our top 5 each month.
- Barb Genzman ~ for reaching a milestone of both hip thrusting and deadlifting more than her bodyweight!
- Maureen Roll ~ for now being able to squat with much improved form post-total knee replacement!
- Mary Jo Schwartz ~ for graduating from private sessions back to Fitness Fusion classes post-knee injury!
- Bob Smith ~ for his commitment both inside the studio with his 3x per week workouts and outside of it with his nutrition!
- Lissa Hastings ~ for her feats of strength, of which there are many now, during Fitness Fusion!
Recipe – Baked Zucchini Fries Recipe With Garlic Herb Dip
Something tasty and fun to try on Superbowl Sunday or any day! Crunchy on the outside and deliciously warm and soft in the middle, you’d never guess this baked zucchini fries recipe has just three grams of fat per serving! Unlike fast food fries, which usually pack around 10 grams of fat per serving, these crispy veggie sticks skip the deep frier in favor of a better-for-you baked preparation. You can pass on the sugary ketchup, too — these no-fry fries will taste even better when paired with this fresh garlic and herb dipping sauce.
Serves 4
Prep time: 15 minutes
Cook time: 20 minutes
Ingredients For the fries:
2 large zucchini
1 tablespoon gluten-free flour
Pinch of salt and pepper
1 egg
2 tablespoon skim milk (or almond milk)
1/2 cup gluten-free bread crumbs
1/3 cup Parmesan
1/4 teaspoon garlic salt
1 teaspoon mixed herbs
Pinch of cayenne
For the dip:
1/3 cup nonfat Greek yogurt
1/2 clove garlic
1 tablespoon chopped chives
1 1/2 teaspoons lemon juice
1/4 teaspoon salt
1/4 teaspoon pepper
- Instructions:
- Preheat the oven to 350° F. Line a baking sheet with parchment paper.
- Wash the zucchini and cut into slices that are approximately 1/2 an inch in thickness. Place the zucchini sticks in a Ziploc bag with the flour, salt and pepper. Seal the bag and shake well until all sides of the zucchini sticks are lightly coated in flour.
- In a bowl, whisk together the egg and milk. In another bowl, mix together the breadcrumbs, Parmesan, herbs and spices.
- Working in batches of two sticks at a time, dip the zucchini in the egg and then dredge in the dry mixture so that all sides are well coated, then place on the baking sheet. Repeat with the remaining zucchini sticks.
- Bake the zucchini in the oven for 20 minutes, flipping half way through to ensure they are evenly crisp and golden.
- Stir together all of the ingredient for the dipping sauce and serve alongside the warm zucchini fries.
Basic Moves by BodyBasics – Lower Leg Stretch
Team BodyBasics
Chris, Kris, Kristian, Amanda, Dustin, Xavier, Aaron, Mike and Vadim