Share the Love Month – Client Referral Challenge
We are excited to announce The Share the Love Month Challenge. It’s easy to participate, just refer a new client to BodyBasics in the month of February and you will be entered to win a fabulous prize!
Ready….the Fabulous Prize is a two night get-away to Sedona! Prize includes two nights accommodations including daily breakfast at one of Sedona’s fabulous resort. Not only that, every time you refer a new client you still get to pick off the referral reward board for some great prizes!
Article – Healthy Bones Are Happy Bones~Chris Litten
Happy February to all of you! Hopefully you read last month’s article about mindset and you are off and running toward fitness success in 2015 with a renewed purpose. I will continue throughout this year to provide you with different “why’s” I have heard in my 20+ years of training clients with the hope that I can educate as well as inspire you to be proactive with your health.
This month join me in exploring our bones. A very consistent reason for taking care of your health and fitness is your bone density. Did you know that in our country a total of 54 million adults aged 50 and over are affected by osteoporosis and low bone mass?1 That’s more than one half of the U.S. adult population!1 With such a large number of people most likely thinking in some way about their structure, it’s no wonder that “strengthen my bones” shows up on our intake forms as much as it does. If you are one of these people, read on because I’m going to deliver some great information first on what you may want to know about your bone density as well as some proactive ways you can ensure the strength of yours.
What are the numbers?
If you’re reading this your doctor has probably suggested to you that you have your bone mineral density measured. And, in my humble opinion, if you are past 50, I’d listen! The most widely recognized BMD test is called a dual x-ray absorptiometry, or DXA test. The test is painless and very closely resembles getting an x-ray. It is used to measure bone mineral density at both the hip and the spine. After the test is conducted a scoring, called your T-score is given. Simply, it is a range of numbers that speaks to how dense your bones are when compared to the peak bone mineral density of a healthy 30-year-old adult.2 The numbers are either positive or negative. Anything between -1 and +1 is considered normal. Numbers falling between -1 and -2.5 are indicators of low bone mass relative to normal. Anything from -2.5 to on is a diagnosis of osteoporosis with the more negative number speaking to the severity of your osteoporosis. It is important to note that another score, called your Z-score, can also be used when interpreting your numbers. Unlike your T-score which reflects how your BMD compares to those of a healthy 30-year-olds, your Z-score is a comparison of your bones with those of your age group. It is used primarily to determine if your bone mineral changes are normal for someone your age or if your deviations are more extreme.
What Can I Do to Protect My BMD?
There are several keys to protecting your bone mineral density. The ones we are going to take a look at together are your sun exposure, your dietary intake of Vitamin D and calcium, and your exercise program.
Sun Exposure
Getting our sunshine on a daily basis is one surefire way to fortify our bones. Vitamin D is made in the skin upon its exposure to solar radiation and is a necessary ingredient for skeletal health because it aids in helping us to absorb calcium. Factors such as season, time of day, length of day, cloud cover, smog, skin melanin content, and sunscreen are among the factors that make determining how much sun you need a bit more challenging. A good general guideline is 5 – 30 minutes of sun exposure between the hours of 10 a.m. and 3 p.m. at least twice weekly to the face, arms, legs, or back without sunscreen.3 If you are fair skinned you will want to lean towards the lesser amount of time and if you are dark skinned you will want to be at or even beyond the greater amount of time.
Our Diets
The food choices we make on a daily basis can also be used strategically to ensure that we are giving our bones their best shot of staying dense and healthy. We can derive both calcium and Vitamin D from them. Surprisingly, very few foods actually contain Vitamin D. However there are some that you may want to include more regularly into your diet if you have concerns for your bones. The flesh of fatty fish such as tuna, mackerel, and salmon as well as fish liver oils provide the best sources of food-based Vitamin D. Other sources include beef, liver, cheese, and egg yolks. Also, some mushrooms contain naturally occurring Vitamin D. There are also many fortified options such as milk, some brands of orange juice, yogurts, and ready-to-eat breakfast cereals.
If you want to boost your levels of D through food, aim for at least 400 IUs, or international units, per the recommendation of the U.S. Food and Drug Administration. Most food labels however will not show you the amount of Vitamin D present unless it is greater than 20% of the daily values set by the FDA so you are wise to at least educate yourself a bit on the values naturally occurring in foods such as the ones I listed above. The U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Nutrient Database is a great resource for doing this.4 The website lists the nutrient content of many foods and provides a comprehensive list of foods containing Vitamin D arranged by nutrient content and by food name. Go to the site and click “Nutrient Lists” found on the left side bar. From their simply enter “Vitamin D (IU)” from the “First Nutrient” drop down menu, adjust “Sort By” to “Nutrient Content” and choose foods that you like from the database to achieve your Vitamin D goal each day.
Calcium is a little easier to come by in our foods with some solid options being dark leafy greens such as kale or cooked spinach, almonds, canned fish with bones such as sardines, cooked broccoli, green beans, navel oranges, and sesame seeds. The FDA suggests that we aim for around 1200 milligrams per day after the age of 50. Before then 1000 milligrams should do it.
Resistance Training
When you pick up a weight that is challenging to lift it sends a message to your body to fortify by building muscle and bone. This is the general purpose of lifting progressively heavier weights. Research has demonstrated over and over that given the right dose of calcium and Vitamin D, your bones will improve in density if the resistance placed on them during an exercise program is consistent, progressive, and demanding enough to stimulate a response. Some basic tenets to ensure that your program is set up properly are to lift weights at least 2 and up to 3 times each week. A program that includes the most weight bearing on your spine and hips will produce the best outcomes. So, be sure yours includes one or more of squats, lunges, step ups, and/or leg press; preferably lying down if you can do so for the spinal loading benefit.
Jarring forces such as those incurred from running and jumping are also great exercise options for building bone density. However, do be careful. If your bone density is already showing signs of loss it may not be in your best interest to start here. Always use sound judgment when approaching your bone health and talk to a professional about what is most appropriate for you.
I hope that this information has been helpful for you. If you found something that was of particular benefit to you, please tell me. And on the flip side, if something did not agree with you, also let me know and I will do my best to clear up any confusion.
1- “54 Million Americans Affected by Osteoporosis and Low Bone Mass.” 54 Million Americans Affected by Osteoporosis and Low Bone Mass. NOF, 2 June 2014. Web. 01 Feb. 2015. <>.
2- “Bone Mass Measurement: What the Numbers Mean.” Bone Mass Measurement: What the Numbers Mean. National Institute of Arthritis and Musculoskeletal and Skin Diseases, Jan. 2012. Web. 01 Feb. 2015. <>.
3-Holick, MF. Vitamin D Deficiency. N Engl J Med 2007; 357: 266 – 81
4- “NDL/FNIC Food Composition Database Home Page.” NDL/FNIC Food Composition Database Home Page. USDA Agricultural Research Service, National Agricultural Library, 7 Dec. 2011. Web. 01 Feb. 2015. <>.
Welcome New and Returning Clients
Linda Bosworth – referred by Roberta Koenig
Pat Diamond – referred by her husband, Sam Diamond
Michael Hornfeck – referred by Marge and Richard Furash
Molly Madigan – referred by John Corbett at All About Running and Walking
Sandra Spangler – found us online!
Sharon Spreen – referred by her daughter, Stephanie Henderson
Cathy Whalen – referred by Maureen Raine
Linda Goodwillie – referred by Patti Trout
“Shout Outs”
Shout outs are about us voicing victories we witness you all having at BodyBasics. What you don’t know is that we start every Wednesday staff meeting with our shout outs. After doing this for several months and realizing how many incredible experiences are being shared, We thought it would be excellent to position a place within our newsletter to share also with all of you. We’ll keep it to our top 5 each month.
Martin Koenig for rockin’ his head turns with his neck feeling so much better.
Marny Wellman for chalking up 19 days in a row to date of sticking to her plan!
Don Pomeroy for showing us what’s possible past 80.
Abbie Burton for recently choosing exercise over the couch during a very stressful time!
Mary Revie for stepping up her efforts to master both her health and her nutrition.
Upcoming Events
Arizona Distance Classic, March 22nd
The Arizona Distance Classic is a true Celebration of the Healthy Active lifestyle. We encourage runners and walkers of all shapes, sizes and abilities to participate. The breathtaking course is open and fully supported for 4 hours. Plentiful aid stations and cheer groups line the course through the foothills of the stunning Santa Catalina mountains. At the finish line celebration, every participant receives the ultimate huge finisher’s medal and bountiful post race refreshments. And, most importantly, it is organized by our good friend John Corbett at All About Running and Walking! If you have ever been in to get a pair of shoes under his care, you know EXACTLY why we think so highly of him and anything he is a part of.
If you have a race on your 2015 calendar, this a great race to do. Distances include 1/2 Marathon, 1/4 Marathon and 5K. All About Running and Walking has a wonderful training group that started January 3rd. It’s not too late to join in and start training with this group. For more information on the running group, click here.
Color Obstacle Rush 5K, May 16th
The Color Obstacle Rush is a unique event combining the fun of color powdered runs and the thrill and excitement of an obstacle course. After a fun pre-run workout to make sure everyone is warmed up, you will start the Rush by pushing through foam and getting doused with color powder while climbing up and down nets, making your way down giant slides, leaping through bouncy castles, crawling under inflatable beams, digging through a giant ball pit, and of course, the huge party at the finish line as your reward for completing the Rush!
There are 10 obstacles in total along with 9 coloring stations throughout the 5k course…. unmatched by any other fun run!
Click here to register. On the registration page there will be a spot to enter your team name. This is where you will put “BodyBasics”.
Client Spotlight – Linda Popelka 
Linda began training at BodyBasics in 2012 with Maureen. It was her intention to learn the ropes of exercise here and then work towards her goals on her own. However life had a different idea. Linda recovered from two different surgeries. Both of which set her back slightly, but Linda is a very determined woman and never gave in. She would rest and recover and then she’d be right back in the gym.
Linda not only had to work on speedy recoveries for the gym, she also was needed in the caregiving of her father. After pouring herself totally into caring for him before he passed away, Linda was exhausted. It was time for her body to catch up with itself. We all know that can take time. After giving herself time to recover, she has regained her dedication and focus.
Linda is now working with Amber, in the gym and is primarily focusing on lower body stability and overall strength. After all life has handed her she still continues to persevere with a warm and positive mindset. Linda will always be one to welcome you with a smile and a sincere “how are you?”. Linda it’s always a pleasure to have such a happy person in our presence, and we thank you for that. It’s your time!!
Recipe – Oven Baked Cod Fillets with Parmesan Cheese
If you are like a lot of people, fish may not be your favorite choice of protein. Fish however is a great for our health! Fish is a low-fat high quality protein. Fish is filled with omega-3 fatty acids and vitamins such as D and B2 (riboflavin). Fish is rich in calcium and phosphorus and a great source of minerals, such as iron, zinc, iodine, magnesium, and potassium. The American Heart Association recommends eating fish at least two times per week as part of a healthy diet. Fish is packed with protein, vitamins, and nutrients that can lower blood pressure and help reduce the risk of a heart attack or stroke.
Here is a great recipe with Cod, a light white flakey fish, give it a try. We did and it was very tasty!
1 cup dried breadcrumbs (I recommend using Kikkoman 100% whole wheat Panko Japanese Style bread crumbs)
1/2 cup chopped fresh parsley
1 Tablespoon Italian Seasoning
1 garlic clove minced (I love garlic so I used 2 cloves)
1/4 teaspoon Salt and pepper each
1/2 cup parmesan cheese grated
1 teaspoon grated fresh lemon rind
1 lb. Cod fillets
2 teaspoons olive oil
1. Mix all ingredients together except fish and olive oil.
2. Rinse Cod fillets and pat dry. Rub with olive oil and dip in bread crumb mixture.
3. Bake in 325 degree oven for 20 minutes, uncovered until fish flakes when pressed with a fork.
Serve with Brown Rice and your choice of green vegetable.
Video – Reverse Lunge with Reach
Team BodyBasics
Myrya, Chris, Amber, Zane, Maureen, Mike and Jamie (not pictured…yet)