BodyBasics Will Be Closed Friday, April 6 and Saturday, April 7
Just a reminder for all that may not have heard, we will be closed on these dates so that all of us can participate together in some continuing education in Phoenix. Get excited! We’ll all be coming back with renewed energy and new ideas we can implement into your experiences at BodyBasics.
Article – Three Steps to Success!
Have you ever had something, something meaningful to you, that you wanted to accomplish? I know I have. How about this? Have you ever experienced the victory of success after seeing completion of your sought after goal? Amen to that one also. What about defeats? I personally don’t even think of them as such. My mind has been molded to understand successes and “not yet accomplished” versus defeats.
I ask you all of these questions because I’m committed. I’m committed to a life within which I contribute to your life change. After all, it’s through my daily experiences with all of you that I’ve honed my skills as a coach, teacher, parent, and leader. You all are the purpose that drives our company‘s vision to educate, nurture, and inspire others so that they may move better to feel better to live better!
Today, in support of your change journey I want to share a few very practical points for your consideration. First, decide specifically what you want to accomplish or change. This sounds easy enough. However, the act of making this decision is often loosely organized at best. Second, write down what needs to happen to achieve what you’re striving for and take the extra step to share these elements with someone you know and trust. Last, begin adopting the behaviors needed to achieve your desired outcome. Let’s dive a little deeper into each point.
1. Decide specifically what you want to accomplish or change
This may sound easy enough and it can be with practice. However, starting out the act of making a decisive goal is often a challenge. As a health and fitness professional for nearly 24 years, I’ve heard and read thousands of goals. In all of those experiences, I’ve found more confidence from the person sharing when the two of us have been able to dig deeper and find their specifics. Lose weight is an example of a non-specific goal that by itself is not helpful. But after talking a goal like that out more, peeling the layers of an onion if you will, the truly specific and meaningful stuff is realized. Often during this experience emotion is involved. When you get to this point in your process, you’re on the right track. Goals have to be meaningful! Until you get to this level of development, keep peeling.
2. Write down what needs to happen to achieve what you’re striving for and take the extra step to share these elements with someone you know and trust
This step is so valuable when followed through. When you take this action you’re helping your own brain to manufacture your checklist. If you take the time to dive deep into finding what exactly you want to accomplish and then follow that up with developing your action plan, you’re more than halfway toward achieving your goal. Add to that a level of commitment outside of your own by telling someone you know and trust what your plans are and you are now ready for the third and final step.
3. Begin adopting the behaviors needed to achieve your desired outcome
I regularly share with clients that are behaviors lead to our intended outcomes. This statement is 100% true! Every desire that we have comes to be based on this simple formula. Here’s a very important point to consider though. One adopted behavior done consistently and very much in support of your intended outcome will suffice. You do not need multiple adopted behaviors all at once. Usually when we do this, We end up with mediocre outcomes at best. Methodically include behaviors instead. Wait until one is rooted enough before adding the next one. You will experience more success, less stress and more confidence when you simplify your process to one behavior change at a time.
The action of setting out to accomplish something can be daunting or it can be fulfilling. Practice these universal principles and you’ll experience a joy that only comes from the feeling of accomplishment. To recap, be specific when stating your goal. Write down all that needs to happen to achieve it and tell someone you know and trust. Begin adopting the behaviors needed to achieve your goal, preferably one consistent behavior at a time. The more you practice these three steps consistently, the more confident you’ll become in your ability to effect change in your life.
Client Spotlight – Miriam Bell
1. What was the reason you decided to go to a trainer?
I realized how much I needed to address the health issues with my knees and back, deterioration of cartilage and ligaments, that had become progressively worse and when I was told about stem cell treatment by my orthopedic surgeon because I have problems with anesthesia. After the stem cell treatment Dr. Jonathan Tait recommended I work with a trainer at BodyBasics to strengthen my muscles.
2. Did you consider or participate in any other form of treatment for your reason before seeking a trainer? Examples: physical therapist, acupuncturist, medication
Before I had stem cell treatment I went to a physical therapist, acupuncture and massage therapist – all useful in their own way but I needed more specific training.
3. How did you hear about BodyBasics?
I heard about Body Basics through Dr. Jonathan Tait at Rejuv Southwest Medical here in Tucson.
4. Did you evaluate other gyms or trainers before deciding on coming to us? If yes, what were other places missing that BodyBasics was able to provide?
No, Body Basics is my first experience with a trainer. One is never too old for something new.
5. What goals did you have when you started at BodyBasics?
My goal was and remains still to be able to both feel better and move better after several years of allowing pain to take over more and more of my life.
6. How long have you been training at BodyBasics and what specifically have you achieved over that interval?
I have been in training for just over five months. During that time I have learned much! I’ve learned a lot about my posture and have been able to make improvements from the feet up and how I carry myself. I’ve learned great exercises that have loosened my hips and back so I can be more active in my days. I’ve also learned some great exercises to improve the strength of my legs so my knees don’t hurt so much.
7. What current goals are you pursuing with your trainers at BodyBasics?
My current goals are to continue to gain strength in my body, primarily knees, legs and feet and to feel success in my gradual achievement.
Welcome New and Returning Clients
The greatest compliment we can receive is a referral from one of our clients or allied health network!
Carole Massanari ~ referred by Dr. Tait, owner of Rejuv Medical Southwest
Doug Larson ~ referred by Seth Peterson, PT at ProActive-La Canada/Lambert
Shari Larson ~ referred by her husband Doug
Carol Gatewood ~ through conversation with Chris upon return to Tucson on Southwest flight
Bruce Johnsen ~ welcome back
Veronica Williams ~ Google search
Cassondra Mrowiec ~ Google search
Shelley McEwan ~
Mike Sampogna ~ referred by Garrett Sneyd, PT at ATI-La Cholla Location
JoAnn Morgan ~ referred by Dennis Gyllenhaal, PT at ATI-Rancho Vistoso
Jason Cook ~ referred by co-worker Carol Gatewood
“Shout Outs”
Shout outs are about us voicing victories we witness you all having at BodyBasics. We’ll keep it to our top 5 each month.
Gregg Price ~ for absolutely rocking his deadlifts now! He’s consistent in how he positions himself and has really learned to how to maintain the right amount of tension where it’s best to have it!
Don Pomeroy ~ for achieving a no-assist chinup for the first time in over 40 years. Not bad for 83 years young!
Dawn Cleary ~ for successfully realizing a 2/2 on her Bird Dog Screen!
Juliana Osinchuk ~ for mastering her zero anchor bridge!
Kerry Culver ~ for how much she’s progressed in degree of difficulty on her bug series exercises! She can now to two legs almost fully extended with a completely stable lumbar position!
Recipe – Roasted Asparagus and Blackberry Salad 
Sometimes, 4 star ingredients that are fresh and in season are all it takes. Take this salad, for example. Its ingredients are as simple as it gets, starting with lovely asparagus, slightly purple at the tips. Followed by tender blackberries—in season and delivered straight from a farmer’s hands at your local farmer’s market.
Then, we’ll pair these beauties with an unusual guest— radishes. Though bitter and slightly spicy when eaten raw, these Spring gems turn into a sweet and earthy treat once sliced and roasted. To save time, we can throw them in the oven with the asparagus, and let the kitchen start to fill with the smells of Spring as they roast together in a sheet pan.
When time’s up, all that’s left will be to toss the roasted veggies with some fresh blackberries and crumbled goat cheese.
Gooey goat cheese, roasted spring vegetables and juicy fruit in a bowl. So easy, so beautiful, and so good for you. Who can resist?
- 1 bunch asparagus (Totaling 2 cups once cut into pieces)
- 2 cups blackberries
- 4 ounces Goat Cheese, chilled
- 1 bunch radish (2 cups sliced, greens removed)
Preparing the asparagus and radish:
1 Preheat an oven to 400 degrees F.
2 Snap all asparagus at the base to remove the toughest part of the spear. Discard the tough parts and chop remaining spears into 1 inch pieces. Set aside.
3 Wash radish and cut off greens. Slice into thin circular discs.
Roasting the asparagus and radish:
1 Place the asparagus and radish into a mixing bowl, and drizzle with the olive oil. Toss to coat the spears and discs then sprinkle generously with any dried herb (such as oregano), garlic, salt, and pepper.
2 Place spears and discs on a large baking sheet. Bake in the preheated oven until just tender, around 15 minutes, depending on thickness.
3 Toss the asparagus, radishes and blackberries together in a medium sized salad bowl.
To serve:
1 Add two-thirds of the goat cheese crumbles and toss. Sprinkle the remaining crumbles on the top and serve!
by Darcie Miller, owner and recipe developer of the allergy friendly and health food company, Naturbaker.
Love this recipe? Enjoy more of Darcie’s kitchen adventures at
Exercise Video of the Month – Monday (Tuesday for us) MOJO With Coach O
This month I wanted to highlight one of the amazing fitness coaches I met back in February when I went to a business mentorship for fitness professionals. This guy’s energy is absolutely infectious and his 4 Keys are a nice complement to the article I wrote for all of you this month about setting goals. Enjoy!
Community Events – 2nd Annual Torture the Trainer Event April 21st! Raffle tickets are available now!
We’re ready for you! We’ve been training hard for this event. Bring your best tortures for a great cause. 100% of the money raised this year will be donated to Tu Nidito! Our goal is to raise $2000.00. Please help us in achieving this goal by purchasing your raffle tickets or by providing a donation. Make any checks payable directly to “Tu Nudito”.
Team BodyBasics
Chris, Kris, Myrya, Kristian, Lance, Rachel, Ben and Amanda